Mental Health Specialty


This full day class will allow you to discover how different types of mental health disorders exist within the long-term care population and how to best care for this population. You will be required to pass a written examination to receive credit for this course.

The target audience of this class includes caregivers and health care providers who will be working with clients with mental health disorders in a long-term care environment.

 Key learning objectives include:

Identify key ways to communicate effectively with mental health clients and their families.

Recognize the signs and symptoms of different mental health disorders.

Identify risk factors and recognize signs and symptoms of suicide in client care.

Understand what hallucinations and delusions are and identify appropriate caregiver interventions for these symptoms.

Develop skills to respond effectively to challenging behaviors and crisis management to provide smooth day to day care.

 This course is 8 hours long.

 This course is WA DSHS approved for class credit and is required to work with long-term care populations. Credits can be used for Continuing Education or Population-Specific hours.

​This course will be taught online via Zoom and followed by the examination.  A Zoom confirmation link will be sent to you via email prior to the day of class.

Certificate of completion will be given to you following successful completion of the examination after class.

​Must have book prior to class—this is required for class participation.

Class Dates:

For current class schedules, please contact Terri Brandley, RN, MHPE, BSN, CCM, CMGT-BC at 360-787-3172 or email her at

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